Monday, December 6, 2010

Why Do You Want It?

Money, that what I am talking about here. Do you want money for the sake of money, or for the comforts or security or whatever else it can afford you? Different people want it for different reasons, and those reasons float around aplenty, and vary greatly too. Some cannot hold onto it for too long, its gone as soon as it reaches them, others, value it more than their own life, and keep it stowed away safely, pinching every penny that's spent. Some have less than what they need, some have way too much. And there are a very very fortunate few I believe who have just as much as they need.

Whatever it is, there are few who escape the charm of money. Is money evil, like a few people claim it is, like the ones who renounce all the charms of the world and go on to attain enlightenment? I don't think so, money like friction, I believe is a necessary evil. We need it, to live in the world, and yet its easy to fall for its charms and lust for it. I was similarly talking about the Internet, with a lovely philosophical friend of mine recently. She does not use the Internet much, except for the essential needs,(much unlike an addict like me) and is wary of how it can be quite a deep dark hole. And while talking to her, I realised, the Internet, is to us what we make of it. For me, its a way to stay in touch with friends, mainly, sometimes pick up bits of information, reading a few blogs, and ofcourse, using Google when I am stuck with pretty much anything. And it was while talking to her, that I realised it myself, and told her, that e-mails, and social networking websites are such an easy and wonderful way to be a part of the ongoings of the life of my friends, who live in time zones, which are almost the exact reverse of my own, and phone conversations or even skype calls, are pretty much impossible to schedule. To me the Internet is a friend, a boon. But then I digress.

So what about money? Just like the Internet, I think it is what we perceive it to be, how and why we want it. I fear developing too much of an affection for money, one where, I want money just for the sake of it being money. I fear becoming a miser, developing a love for money, I fear becoming a slave to it, like I see so many around me are. No there is no denying that I do need money, enough to keep my family and me happy, and definitely that requires more than just basic food, and clothes. But I want to draw the line at that, and not let it engulf my being. It scares me, when I see people like that, completely enamoured by money,people who want it, and love it so much, they have become a slave to it. I hope I always have enough, sense and wits about me, not to fall prey to the entrapment of money in that way. I hope I always, have a bit to spare for the one who needs it more than me, enough to provide for food, shelter, clothing and security for the three of us and not much more, because that may just make me want some more. Somehow, when I think of what I want, its never the money, but some thing that I fancy, a trip, or a meal or something like that but never money itself. There is very little I have ever saved and kept away, I know its not a very responsible thing to do, as a mother, but somehow I don't think I have the mind set to do it. My extravagance has toned down considerably over the years, once the initial rush of having my own money subsided. I in no way discount, they security a huge bank balance affords the owner, but somehow, the idea of having money for the sake of money, just does not make sense to me. Isn't that the cause of all the financial inequalities in the world today?

Tell me, do you fancy money? Why do you fancy it, what does it mean to you? Is it a subtle sense of comfort or the prime motive of your existence? What does money mean to you?


Smitha said...

GM, First of all, I like your new look! Stark and different!

What does money mean to me? I think it is a source of comfort. Having enough to be comfortable , to be able to enjoy some splurges, when we fancy it. Yes, I think I do feel comfortable with a decent bank balance, I would not be comfortable with no or little savings. Even when it comes to investments, the last time we made an investment, stretching our finances was in 2004 - I am not so sure I would be able to do that again - because with a child, I kind of like the stability that a bank balance gives.

Mamma mia! Me a mamma? said...

Money, hmmm...the means to reach a desired end.

In other words, a comfortable life, good schools for the kids, a nice home, fancy meals every now and then, lovely trips, etc. etc. You get the picture.

A necessary evil. But not something to wage war or cut off relationships over.

Sraboney said...

Money means that we can lead a comfortable life and send our daughter to the best schools...Frankly, I would hate to live without it...Having said that, I don't want to become a slave to it or love it so much that I wouldn't mind breaking laws to get it...

Renu said...

I feel that money is like science good servant but bad master.
Money earned thru honest means is a boon to me, but i wouldnt like to be rich at the cost of ethics.
Saving is important to me as it saves us from many problems, but I dont want to build future at the cost of present..there must be a balance.

Passionate Goof said...

Smi - Thanks sweets. :) I know what you mean, about needing money once we have a child. Suddenly it feels much more important to have some than before isn't it?

M4 - That is what I think too. And yes, it is a necessary evil.And it is infact surprising that just how many people, don't mind doing the immoral stuff to make some free extra bucks.

Sraboney - Its strange how most parents want it mainly for their kids isn't it? But i guess that is what being a parent is all about.

Renu - Oh wow! How beautifully you say it.'good servant but bad master.' Exactly what I was trying to say through this whole post!!

dr.antony said...

Everything costs money except the air that we smell.

Anonymous said...

I think all have said what I wanted to... some money in the bank gives a security I think

Anonymous said...

Money doesnt matter to me in the first few days of the month but once the salary starts getting spent and I barely have any left towards the end of the month it does matter :) On a serious note money is important but it's pursuit shouldnt be the sole reason for one's existence ..there really is no end to one's greed if one can live a comfortable life it's more than enough..sadly the definition of a comfortable life seems to change often for many people..

Anonymous said...

by the way really like the way you've revamped your blog..I have been wanting to catch up on it for a long time now..and finally did come and read your posts.. I am glad I finally came..Hope all's well with you GM..take care