Sunday, September 13, 2009

The Non-Sick Illness

People do such funny, laugh inducing posts on their illnesses, and all I do is rant about mine. So I thought I will give mine a try. Don't expect laughs, because I can't write funny for my life. My hardest attempts at doing it, makes me, myself squirm. And yet what do I have, if not my dreams?

The problem started a few weeks back with some sneezing, a leaking nose, and a blocked ear. I went to a funny ENT specialist, who diagnosed it as an allergy and prescribed medicines accordingly, and that was it. I took the medicines, things seem to improve, and finally I felt cured of my affliction. A few days of feeling fine, and I am in a state, which neither qualifies as illness, nor as good health. It began with an irritated throat, and followed up with a dry cough. Since there was no pain, I did not really bother, nor did I dare venture to the doctor again.And so I have been dealing with coughing and the throat irritation the whole of last week.

The problem is, this kind of a thing, keeps me fit enough to go about my daily chores, I don't have an excuse to take it easy, and yet it keeps that nagging sense of illness in my mind, giving me enough excuse to pile on some self pity, bunk any work out like activities and gorge on food happily. This state of being is confusing, and not a nice place to be in to be honest. Its better to be on one side of the line which divides the healthy and the sick. This no-man's land area, where I am right now, is not turning out to be much fun!


Anonymous said...

Yeah, you can't write funny for your life... Try clubbing the ENT specialist's head - that's more your style :D

And from what I read, every thing for you is an excuse to avoid work out oand gorge???

Passionate Goof said...

Rakesh - You are so so mean. Though i agree with you, I just can't do it. :(
I hope Roop does not read the post or your comment, she always calls me a bag of excuses!

Piper .. said...

Hey Sweetie, dont worry, its a typical weather-change thing. It`ll get better. Try gargling with disprin tablets. It`ll help. I havent had the slightest time to come online. Just check emails somehow at night. A close friend was in the hospital and I`ve been there mostly. Shall email you later. But you do try the disprin gargles. And I`m sure you`ll be ok soon. Hugs

mummyjaan said...

Nope. It didn't work :). But that doesn't mean that you can't try again.

As of now, you're a passionate goof, PG, not a funny goof!

The kind of posts one associates with you are: "Say No to Criminals in Politics" and things like that.

Lots and lots of energy and lots and lots of passion; perhaps a tinge of 'bigotted racism' by your own admission.

lol@Rakesh: "clubbing the ENT specialist's head". I'm ROFLing at the idea of PG clubbing the doc. A big fat heavy club at that. Ach, the poor doc!

mummyjaan said...

P.S. Don't gorge on food - remember, it just goes from your lips to your hips.

P.S.S. - I'm not too good at being funny either, and my inadequate attempt at being funny may have made the last comment sound a bit trollish - but it isn't meant to come across that way!

Passionate Goof said...

Piper - Taking in warm water since yesterday, so a lot better! You take care of yourself girl, and hope the friend is all fine now.Health is such a precious and precarious thing.

Mummyjaan - I know, I love treading humour, but can never make for some good reading myself. :(

Mine goes from lips to waist! And no it was not trollish, since we have been communicating, might have been that way, had this been you first comment ever. ;)

Passionate Goof said...

Piper - Taking in warm water since yesterday, so a lot better! You take care of yourself girl, and hope the friend is all fine now.Health is such a precious and precarious thing.

Mummyjaan - I know, I love treading humour, but can never make for some good reading myself. :(

Mine goes from lips to waist! And no it was not trollish, since we have been communicating, might have been that way, had this been you first comment ever. ;)

Solilo said...

Aww.. take care. Not a bad attempt, GM. :))

Being able to laugh at self is the proof that you are good at humor.

Mamma mia! Me a mamma? said...

Oooo!! The no-man's land between sickness and health is definitely not a fun place! So decide already and I'll send you the appropriate wishes ;p

Iya said...

oh i totally agree..and please come over to this non sick land, thats much better..

hitch writer said...

he he he he ... !!!!!

Passionate Goof said...

Solilo - Thanks thanks and some more!

M4 - I am working hard to get to the healthy side!!

Iya _ working at it girl. :)

Hitch - What? Sympathy laughs??

Just call me 'A' said...

I think this is the worst kind of illness...neither here nor are you feeling now? take care and lots of love and hugs to you and of course the little darling boy..:)