The rules are:
Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true.
Tag 10 people with the award, and be sure to let them know they’ve been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do).
Link back to the blogger who tagged you.
Tell your readers 10 things about you that they may or may not know, but are true.
Tag 10 people with the award, and be sure to let them know they’ve been tagged (a quick comment on their blog will do).
Link back to the blogger who tagged you.
What a lovely tag Reflections has passed onto me. The self-obsessed me, would love to talk some more about myself. Would you like to hear about it???Ten whole things about myself, this should be tons of fun.
1. I always count my vegetables/fruits, while I am picking them up in the supermarket. Like when I am buying tomatoes, though they sell by kilos, I would just count the number I pick up. No particular reason, just a quirk.
2. I love people, generally, I just love people, talking to them, knowing them, observing them, everything. Till you really bother me, or turn out to be a total jerk, by default, I like you.
3. I have come out of the ladies' room in my office with my kurta stuck inside my salwaar, not once or twice, but thrice. There is a reason I call myself a goof people, I am a super clumsy goof. And yes, I don't even want to think of it again.
4. I never forget unfinished business, I never forget the phone call that was not returned, by me or vice-versa, a friend who suddenly stopped being in touch, a letter I needed to have written 15 years back, I remember all of it, and they bother me. I working on getting rid of this, getting there, bit by bit.
5. I suck at keeping secrets, but am really good at maintaining trust. If there is gossip about XYZ, that ABC tells me, I am very unlikely to be able to contain it, but if you trust me enough to share something really important, I am too overwhelmed by that show of faith, to ever speak a word about it.
6. I once bought this huge and expensive coffee-table book on Kama Sutra, from a book exhibition held in my office. Had to hide the damn thing till I left office, and a friend who knew I had bought the book, made sure she publicised it to the whole wide world. The sad bit is, that the book is not with me anymore.
7. I love gifts, but hate choices. The better-half has lot of options and no decisions, so if he wants to buy me something, he basically gives me a list of options, and tells me to decide what I want. i usually end up buying nothing, because I get so confused. Fortunately, things did not go that way this weekend, and I got an amazing new DSLR.
8. I can never sleep in the day, at home, if I am alone, or everyone else is asleep. Which basically means, a daytime nap almost never happens, because rarely will the GP stay up, if I am napping, and on weekdays, there is no other adult around.
9. I work in bursts, there are days full of activity, and there are the ones, where I do nothing, its never a regular routine in my life, atleast so far.
10.I am a very slow reader, and I mean really slow. I have never finished a decent sized book in a day or in one night. The fastest I have been was finishing a Nancy Drew book in one night. I read every word and every detail, I have no fast reading skills, and hence I was never suitable to appear for a CAT exam.
And for the people who have patiently read through this drivel, here is a BIG round of applause from me. And I shall now pass on this to ten people, whom I would like to know some more.
1. Sraikh
2. Chandni
3. Monika
4. Piper
5. 'A'
6. Indyeah
7. Rakesh
8. Trishna
9. Parul
10. M4
wow....you did awesome....this will take me ages...but I promise to do it. I am like you with the tomato counting....but i do i only with tomatoes and not other veggies :) LOL
Congrats on the award..
Hehe I'm just like u with 7 & 8
and just the opposite of u in 4 & 10;-D
Thanks for taking up the tag, which u did so beautifully:-)!!!
with the above comment from Nancy, i know, she wont forget that she awarded and tagged me & I have not yet done the needful.. :P
Lemme do a part thank you jig here itself and reveal one goofy bit about myself too..
I have liquid soap dispenser on one side of the basin n moisturizer (press me kind of) bottle on the other side.. Yday I mustered up courage n told amit "will u believe me if i tell you that i pressed the moisturizer bottle instead of soap once.." after lil laugh on me, he tells me "will u believe if i said that happened with me twice" :O?????
Interesting tag GM.. but diff if i think that i hv to do it too... :D
Kamasutra !!! That's the word that sticks out of your post :P
And is that the reason why you became a slowwww reader? he he
Thanks for the tag coz. I haven't been able to think about anything worth writing lately.
Interesting !!! not just the kamasutra book but even the salwar stands out !!!! :P :P
loved reading it... and I read quite fast !!!
LOL that was a good read just finished the tag
'A' - I do it will tomatoes, potatoes, onions,lemons anything I select and buy.
Reflections - Really? no sleeping in the day? Thanks for this tag Nancy, I really needed something.
Mindspace - Go on do it, would love to read it. And it is funny, but ia m sure it happens to everyone. Amit is so cute!!
Rakesh - Uff, ganda dimaag! Unfortunately I never read the book, its huge, need to sit on a table to read it, and I never made the effort, and no longer is it with me. This tag came to me at the right time too!
Hitchy - The salwar, imagine my indignation and embarassment, the first time I walked all the way out of the office to my bus in that state! I am CLUMSY.
Mon - This kind of tags are fun. You did it so well!
:):) Thanks a ton..may be this will get me back :):)
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